I am a horrible, horrible, horrifyingly horrible person.
I said already that Amber's lesbian, right? And I told you all about Jack, too, right?

I...I think I might be possibly...lesbian.
But the thing is, I can't be! I have always, always, wanted to be a mother, to have my own babies. How could I be lesbian and want them? If I'm anything, and anything at all...it's bi.
Even then, am I really? I mean, I guess I could be. But am I really? I'm probably just confused. And even if I am, does it really matter? I'm dating a guy right now anyway and I'm very happy with him.
I am not going to tell anyone that I think I could be bi. Especially not Grandma or Jack.
I don't even get why I'd feel slightly attracted to Amber when I've got a really great boyfriend. I'm happy with him, despite having to fight with grandma about him all the time.
Jack loves me, I know he does. And I think I might love him, too. In all we've been together for two months, and I don't really have a reason not to spend the rest of my life with him. He's kind, he understands why I'm protective over Lilac, and he really wants his own family. The only thing that annoys me about him is that he is kind of horny.
I bet a lot of guys are more horny than him, and most of them would be half as amazing as him, but it still bothers me a little.
It's no big deal, really, since I can just keep telling him no. But I still wish he'd be more understanding about it. He's always sulking after I tell him no. I mean, he should understand that my mom was a teen mom and that I've always vowed that I wouldn't start a family that early, despite the fact that Mom and Dad were great parents. There's too much danger in sleeping together, it's just safer to abstain. I wish he'd listen to Amber. Amber is extremely understanding when it comes to that, she could help him understand.
For some reason, though, he thinks he's too good for that. He doesn't talk to her at all. I think the fact that she's so punky kind of freaks him out, but he understands that she's my best friend and nothing can change that. I guess all guys are pretty prideful, though.
This isn't anything that I can't handle.
I miss my mom. She made me so angry a lot, but I loved her. She was the best mom I could've ever hoped for. And, Dad, well, he's the epitome of great. I had the perfect family--okay, not picture perfect, but it was perfect for me.
Now, Lilac is off at some stuffy boarding school where I can't protect her, and my parents are just gone. My uncle is gone, my dog is gone...the only part of my family old family that I still have are the unicorns. And, as awesome as they are, they aren't enough.
It's no fair! All I get in my life is a mean grandma, a boyfriend who I really like, but who is also kind of pushy, and one really close friend.
I need to go. Amber's here to hang out, and I really need to just be around her. That'll make things a little better, I guess.
Again, Amber Duck is TheUsernameFound's simself aged down and punked out, and Jack is her sim, Quirrel(based of AVPM's Quirrel.)
Oh, Poor Willow. It's such a shame all that is happening.