*WARNING* This chapter deals with very sensitive issues, including rape. Please do not read if you will be offended by this, I do not mean to offend anyone. You will not miss anything if you skip this chapter.
I wiggled out the bathroom window and jumped to the patch of dirt below. I ran to an outcrop of trees and changed into some clubbing clothes I had bought on our last trip out on the town and had hidden within the trees. After styling my hair with some mouse(I had hidden that, as well), I ran to the nearest subway station.
I woud be going to a shitty divebar, where my obvious youth would be dismissed at a glance of a fake ID.
Once I got to the bar, it became obvious how bad it was. No one was there, except for the sexy bartender.
I was nervous to dance in front of him, at first, but the entire reason I had come to the bar was to have a fun night out and be able to dance the night away. I gulped down the fear and started shaking my booty on the dance floor.
And it was totally worth it.
Soon, I had totally forgotten that he was there. I was just having a great night at a club, dancing the night away. Sure, no one else was even in the bar, but it was still fun! The light-poluted sky showing through the windows was nothing compared to the bright lights that bounced around the floor, or the confetti that streamed out of the effects machine.
I stopped dancing after an hour or so, and sat at the bar.
"Hey, sweetie," He flirted shamelessly, "Thirsty?"
I was indeniably thirsty, but something about him creeped me out. I couldn't quite figure out why he creeped me out, but that was nothing.
"No, but thanks," I said, looking him in the eyes to try and let him know that I was on to him.
Something changed in that second, though. Maybe I shouldn't have tried to tell him that I knew what he was up to, because the next second, he grabbed my arm and squeezed, as he pulled me over the bar.

I am an idiot! I think repeatedly as he attacks me. I try to scream, begging someone to hear me and come save me before it's too late, but no one comes, and my screams weaken. They become pathetic whimpers, and then they're nothing. I lay motionless as he stands up and walks away.
I am begging myself to get up and run, as he goes into the pockets of my skirt. I'm begging that he will leave, and that I'll be able to get redressed at get out of there, alive. God, I just want to live! Please, just let me live...
"Naughty, naughty..." he laughs, "Young ladies shouldn't carry fake ID's. Bars are dangerous places, you know. There's no telling what could happen to a pretty girl like yourself in a place like this."
He threw the ID on the ground, and starts studying my school ID, "You're a bad girl, Poppy."
Hearing him say my name sends shivers down my spine, causing me to sob.
"Oh, relax, naughty girl!" He laughs again, "I won't kill you. I do run that way, so don't think of telling the cops, but after such a fun time..I'm feeling kind. I've decided that you can live. For now, at least. Remember though, don't tell a single soul. Understand?"
I nodded quickly as he tossed everything to the side and turned around, sauntering toward me.
"Good," he says it in a soothing voice as he kneels down besides me. I close my eyes, hoping that when I open them again, he'll be gone, "I wouldn't want to see such a pretty girl killed at such a young age. Now, don't think of moving. Count to twenty, and when you open your eyes, I will be gone. But remember..."
I feel the edge of a blade on my neck, "Remember, don't tell anyone."
"I won't, I promise," I say, too scared to move, until the knife is gone. I count to twenty, as he said to, but then continue to lay there for a few more minutes, incapable of moving.
I open my eyes and get dressed, gathering everything. I notice that he's taken my fake ID with him. No matter, I won't be needing that ever again, anyway. Even when I can legally go to a bar, I doubt that I will ever do it again.
I try to fix my hair and run out of the building as quickly as I can. I stop and ask the man in the food cart what time it is, and find out that it's midnight. "What's a pretty girl like you doing out and alone so late, anyway?" he asks with a wink, causing me to tear up and run as far as I can from him.
I hear him calling, "I was just joking! Geesh!" but I don't stop. In fact, I continue running, ignoring the people staring at me as I do so, until I get on the subway.
I curl in a ball and ignore the few people around me, hoping that they won't notice me, either. My mind is racing, wondering how I could be so stupid. I shouldn't have snuck out, Tristan was right. Even then, I could have left when I noticed that he was a creepy guy. Why did I stay? What's wrong with me?
It didn't matter. Nothing I did would change what happened. I walked back to the school when I got off the subway, changing back into my uinform near the trees and throwing my clubbing clothes and the can of mouse into the highest branches, hoping to never see it again.
I didn't sleep that night, though. When I went to class, I barely heard the lessons through the thoughts in my head about the night before. Tristan asked me tons of questions, and I answered lamely.
When did you get home? "I don't know." Was it really all the fun you had hoped it would be? "Not really. I...I don't think I"ll go again." Are you alright? "I'm fine."
The questions didn't stop for weeks, especially the last one. My sleep, when it came, was riddled with nightmares. I started getting sick, constantly, and this caused Tristan to start worrying even more about me. I told him that it was just food poisoning from something I ate, but as time went on, it became apparent that it was something more than that.
It took me months to realize what was going on. He had made me pregnant. I was pregnant, and I could never tell anybody who the baby's father was. I hid in my spot, when I realized. I knew Tristan would find me, and was not surprised when he sat down at the entrance.
"Tristan," I said, sniffling. I knew, as he sat there, that I had to tell him, "I need to tell you what happened."
"I'm here to listen. I always have been, and I always will be."
"Thanks," I said, "When I went out...I was..." I struggled to say the word. I had never said it before, I hadn't even thought it until now, but I needed to say it..."raped."
Tristan's hand immediately found mine as I tried to stiffle a sob, "I'm sorry," he whispered.
"I..." I blinked back tears, "I am an idiot. I shouldn't have gone. I should have listened to you. And...and..." anger started bubbling up in me as I thought, "Why didn't you try harder to get me not to go? Why did you just go along with it?!"
"Poppy, calm down," he said quietly.
"How can I?" I cried, "I'm carrying a baby, the baby of a rapist! And...and it's your fault!"
I knew as soon as I said it how wrong I was. I expected him to yell at me and leave me here, but instead, he took a breath.
"I should have stopped you, that's true," his voice kept so calm that it almost made me angrier. How could be be so calm, when something so horrible was happening? As he talked, though, I was also soothed, "But it's too late for me to fix that mistake. What it isn't too late for, though, is for me to be here for you, no matter what."
I let out a sigh and hugged him, "Why are you such a good friend? I don't deserve you."
"You most definitely deserve me. Me, plus a lot more."
I rolled my eyes, then informed him that I had done so as I readjusted myself and he placed his hand above my own again. We sat there for a few moments as we both thought.
"What are you going to do?" He asked quietly.
"There's only one option..." I sighed and tried to swallow the lump in my throat, "I have to abort it."
Tristan Flick of the awesome Disney legacy by TheUsernameFound found here. He is the spouse for the first generation.
Vincent Valentine Mason, as the rapist/bartender, of Let It Be, the Mason Family DITFT by Toast, found here. He is the Generation 7 heir.
Both of these legacies are really fantastic, and both truly deserve a billion views each!
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