Saturday, March 10, 2012

Poppy Complex, Chapter 2

 Warning: There is some(very little) foul language. Also, if you skipped last chapter...Poppy went on her adventure and the bartender forced himself on her. She found out he got her pregnant, and has decided to get an abortion. Now, on with the story...

"Again," Tristan whispered as I told him the plan, "I will still be there, whether you abort the baby or have it."

"I know," I whispered back as he moved forward and touched my hand softly, "I just...I have to. If they find out about this, they'll expell me, and then you'll be here and I won't."

"But we aren't eight anymore, I have your cell phone number. I can call you all the time. And when I graduate, I will find you."

I hugged him tightly, blinking back the tears that the idea of leaving him brought to me. I couldn't leave here, not until we graduated. After that, who knows?

I know that unless something truly horrible happens, we will be friends forever. I can't even imagine what kind of horrible thing could even keep us apart long enough for us to lose our friendship, though. Not even this baby can keep us apart, I won't let it.

I wasn't about to give up my only real friendship for the baby of that man.

We walked to the hallway in front of my bedroom and hugged, "I'll be back within an hour and a half," I whispered.

I walked into my room and messed up my bed, making it look although I had been sleeping and had just gotten up and left the room. The plan was that I would sneak out during the day, only for an hour or so. I already went to the school nurse and got exempt from class for the day so that they probably wouldn't miss me.

If they did, Tristan's job was to keep them looking for me anywhere except in the bathroom near the hiding place. He had a ton of excuses lined up, like that I might have gotten hungry and gone to get food, or that I might have just gone for a walk around the building. I would come through the bathroom window, which I had left cracked open.

On the subway, I found myself shaking. Every time I saw a man with blonde hair, my memory flashed a picture of the bartender across my mind.

I filled out my paperwork in the clinic, thankful that one like this, that wouldn't ask any questions or tell my uncle or anything existed. I could go back to my life and forget this ever happened.

While I waited, I started thinking of my mom. If she had aborted me, her life would have been so much easier. I started thinking of how hard the pregnancy must have been.

Briar told me that she had stopped talking about my father for most of my pregnancy. She had told my grandparents that her imaginary friend (who they thought had fathered me) had to leave on an adventure or something, and that he didn't know when he would be back again, if ever.
I figured that whoever my dad was, he had left early on in my mom's pregnancy. I realized, if that bitch could go through with a pregnancy, then I could do it to.

I would do better than her, too. I won't have the kid and then abandon her, like she had done. I would be the best mother that this baby could ever ask for, even if I am a single teenaged mom.

I started getting up slowly, ignoring the lady on the other side of the room who looked at me as though I was an abandoned puppy. To the sound of petitioners chanting about abortion and murder outside of the clinic, I slowly stood up. The lady at the counter didn't see me, she just continued looking at various papers and writing things on them.
"I'm not doing it!" I said, catching the attention of the lady at the counter.

"Miss, don't worry about the petitioners. They legally can't do anything to you. If you want an abortion, you have the right to get one," she said.

"I don't care what they think. They have nothing to do with my choosing not to go through with the abortion," I stood up straighter and walked out the door.

I got back home and climbed through the bathroom window. By the time I was walking back to my room, no one realized I was missing in the first place. I spent the rest of the day in bed, reading and thinking. That night, I waited by the bathrooms for Tristan to come by, like I did almost every night.

"Tristan," I whispered.

"Poppy," He sighed in relief when he heard my voice, and followed me to the little area between the room devider and the wall that blocked people from our hiding spot, "What happened? Is the baby...gone?"
"No, I...I couldn't do it," I sniffled, knowing fully well that my decision meant that I would be kicked out of school, "I thought about how my mom had me, even though my dad was gone, and I thought about how I want to be better than her in every way. I decided to keep this baby, and that I'm going to try to be an amazing mother."

"I know you will be an amazing mother," he said, "And I promise to be there for you, if you ever need me."

"Thanks," I smiled, "I really appreciate it."

"You know I really mean it, right? I will always be there for you and the baby, no matter what," he leaned in and kissed me.

"I know you're going through a lot right now," he said, "but I really feel like you could use this, and I've really wanted to ask you, and it just seems like the right time...will you be my girlfriend?"

I kissed him back, whispering yes. All the emotions I had been pushing to the back of my mind came rushing forward. I was in heaven, and all I wanted was to be with him.

I just hoped that I would be able to keep him, once I get kicked out of school.


Once again, Tristan is Tristan Flick from The Flick Family Disney Challenge by TheUsernameFound.

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