Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bay Complex, Prologue

I'm Bay Complex. I'm turning 13 today.

Eden Complex, Epilogue

Shortly after Linden was born, we moved. With the size of our home, having a family of 4 (and possibly growing, since Jason and I are still very much in love) would mean that no one got personal room, and we'd have to share one small bathroom. That wasn't going to work.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Eden Complex, Chapter 2

Over the next few months, Jason and I spent most of our nights together. He would work during the day while I wandered the neighborhood, and then he would tell me of his dream to become an astronaut at night.

Eden Complex, Chapter 1

Then, I woke up here. In this bed, in this little house that papa had found and decided would be mine. I am apparently this age called 'eighteen.' I have been around for eighteen Sim-years, apparently.
I only have this one outfit, much of a downgrade from what I had, with papa.


Once upon a time, a young goddess abused her powers. She manipulated sim's emotions and used them as dolls. She was forced out of the Devine realms and into the realm of Sims, where she lost her immortality.