Saturday, May 11, 2013

Thalia Complex, Chapter 2

I awoke early the next morning and made myself a bowl of cereal. I didn't think anyone else would be up, but as I ate, I noticed that Orange was outside, playing her guitar. After I quickly finished my meal and put the dish in the dishwasher, I came out to talk to her.

"Hey, Orange," I said as I walked toward the stage.

"Hey," she said coolly as she slowly strummed the end of the song.

"That's so awesome," I sighed as I watched the strings vibrate, "I wish I could play."

"I could teach you. What instrument?" she asked.

"Guitar, definitely. There's one in my room, so we can play at the same time."

"Cool. Go grab it and bring it down here. We have free time, why not start now?"

I did as she asked. We played for a good two or three hours. Some time in there, Mia came out and started painting on the gazebo, and both Rad and Emma opened their bedroom windows to listen. Orange said I did really well for a beginner, too!

Later that day I thought up an idea for a story, and Rad and I worked on plotting it out for a little while. It was nothing special, just a short story based on my parents. Rad said it was a great start and let me read some of her writing. It's really great.

Once I finished with the plot, I started heading to my room to get some painting done. But on my way up I heard some pounding noises from Emma's room. I went to check it out to find Emma sculpting. She let me watch her, and then insisted I make my own! How cool of her, right? She helped me get the block of clay set up, and then watched and gave me tips as I chipped away at it.

No matter how fun that day was, it wasn't anywhere near the best time we had. We all had fun dabbling in each others' crafts over the first week, and once classes started we all worked hard and shared out art with each other, helping each other improve our art through critiques. Early in the semester, we got to meet the guys who lived nearest to us. The house was a bit smaller than ours, and three guys lived in it.

The first one we met was James. He and Mia met during a painting class and really hit it off. He came over near the end of the first week to hang out. Both were very easy going, excitable, and giggly, and--as most artists are--they were hardly ever happy with their own paintings, always working to improve them.

Over the weekend, James brought over one of his roommates. His name is Ross. I don't really know much about him, but I do know he's a sculptor and he usually spends his time sculpting. Most of the times when he's on break he likes to come hang out and talk with Emma and I. I heard a rumor that he has a crush on Emma, and although it could be possible, he seemed to mostly just really like having friends who sculpted to hang out with.

And then there's Duncan, the musician. He's almost always playing or listening to music, even when he's here. His music's really good, but he kind of seemed like a jerk to me at first. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I thought he had dyed or tattooed himself green. I was sort of freaked out when Orange said that if she didn't already have a boyfriend she really loved already, she'd totally date him.

"You'd seriously date him?" I asked with a scowl.

"Oh my God, yes!" Orange laughed, "He's so hot and mysterious. Except, I could never leave my boyfriend. He's the Doctor."

"You're dating a doctor? Isn't he a little old for you?"

"He's a bit older, but not that much! and he isn't a real doctor. His...ah...nickname is Doctor," she giggled, "And I'd never leave him. I think we're in love, and no matter how much I think Duncan's sexy as hell, I won't lose the Doctor."

"You seriously think he's sexy?" I stared in confusion.

"You don't?"

"I think he'd be a lot sexier if he hadn't dyed his skin. I'm all cool with weird people, but dying or skin green? That's a bit too unnatural for me."

That's when she started staring at me like I was crazy, trying to hold in her laughter.

"What's so funny?" Rad said, stopping on her way out.

"She...she.." Orange pointed at me, "Oh my GOD! She thinks...that Duncan dyed his skin!"

Rad stood shocked for a moment before stifling a giggle, "You do?"

"How else do you explain the green skin!"

"His race!" Orange screeched as she laughed, having given up on holding it in.

"You've never heard of Elinthas?" Rad asked.

"...No?" Oh my gosh. I felt horrible. I had judged him, and apparently I was being racist against a race I had never heard about before!

"Well, they're really uncommon so I guess there is a chance they didn't have any where you're from," Raid explained, "They have a really interesting history, though, and some are really connected to the Earth in some way."


"Don't worry about not knowing. A lot of people don't know about them," Rad said. Her attempt to comfort me might have worked if it hadn't been for Orange's laughter. It took her a good few minutes to calm down enough to tell me that, yes, Elinthas people weren't very well known in some parts of the world.

"I still can't believe that you had no clue at all, though!"

"I guess my family lives in a pretty boring town..."

"No kidding! Never seeing one is pretty common, I can understand that easily, but you've never heard of one?"

"Not that I remember..."

Orange shrugged, "Your home must have been really sheltered, I guess."


I couldn't believe that I had been so judging toward him, and it still sounded a little weird. An entire group of people, a race, that I had never heard of? That's...well, I suppose it makes sense for me, since I had never been out f that little town, but I made a note to ask my parents about Elinthas.

A/N Recognitions:

Orange is OPB, author of Different Rain
Rad is Rad, author of Taken
Emma is emmacrs, author of Eye of the Storm
James is jcnorn, author of the McCool Legacy
Ross is Dreamy Underwood, author of Fresh Steps ditft
and Duncan is from generation 5 of Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss by StyxLady.

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