Our adoption came through! We adopted a little boy named Huckleberry. Soon after that, we both agreed on a third adoption. This being a girl, Ginger Rue.
Thalia's attitude is getting worse, too. She constantly smirks at the babies and says that she hopes they're the last. I can understand, but it's still depressing that my daughter, the one that actually came from my womb, doesn't share my love for family. To me, sharing a room with three sisters would have been amazing! And having two brothers in the next room? The thought of it excites me!
She doesn't seem to understand that we can't redo the nursery once Ginger Rue grows up. She wants it to be made into another room or two so she could have one as her own room. Amber and I talked about it, but we just can't afford it. We've got to think about all the children, and in the end having them share rooms and being able to put each of them through college is more important than them having individual rooms.
Grandma Prim offered to pay, but we can't take her money. She's holding on by a thread, and taking money from her is cruel. Even when she dies, we probably won't use the money on redoing the third floor. I mean, when all the kids are out, we might want to adopt more! Or if we move out, the next residents might need a nursery!
I'm really worried about her, too. She's been in chemo so long now that she's decided to stay at the hospital. She recently stopped trying chemo, they're trying a new form of cancer treatment, and it's letting her hair grow back slowly. She seems to be getting delirious, though. Any time a man walks into the room, no matter what he looks like, she asks if it's Parker.
I asked her once, who Parker was, and she went on for a good half hour about this supposedly amazing man. He's her true love, and the father of her daughter. He's my grandfather, the one that left when Mom was born. I had wanted to find him for so long, and she finally told me all about him. She said she found out more about him, years after he left.
The irony is rich, really. They met through a website where Parker commented on some sort of fanfiction for a book series, Delta Nine or something like that. The fanfiction said that the author of the series, Raliq Kain, was secretly the son of Delta Nine, and that Delta Nine was a real spy, and Parker was saying that it was very unlikely. My grandma found out that he was Delta Nine, father to Raliq Kain, many years later. She actually went on the website again, and found the girl who had once been insulted for the idea, Yellow something...Red something...I can't really remember what her name was. Some color followed by something else.
So, according to my grandma, my grandfather is a spy who got close to Grandma on a mission, got her pregnant, and left.
I didn't exactly know how I was going to handle the situation. She obviously wanted to see him again, but I searched him up and found out that he's happy.
He's got a perfect family--well, almost perfect. Apparently they family is pretty well known for alcoholism, but he has a wife that he had been with before my grandma, and after he returned to her, they were still in love. He has a handful of children, most of them step children and adults, but still his children. Along with that, he's got four grandchildren from his biological son.
I can't help but think...me, showing up and saying he's my grandfather...it could ruin his marriage. Does she know he was with someone else while he was away? Who am I--an unknown, insignificant, granddaughter of his--to ruin it?
I had my life turned upside down by someone saying they were family, and I refuse to be like that. Of course, I'm nothing like that supposed 'father' of mine, and most definitely won't be killing anyone, what would happen if he never told his family about Grandma Prim? I could cause a divorce...that'd be as bad as killing someone, in my eyes!
I decided to put the ball in his court. I sent him a fan letter. In the letter, I spoke of my dying grandma, Primrose, and how she has always really loved Delta Nine and wants to meet him. Clover, isn't it? Who else is named Primrose? He'll most definitely figure it out, he's a spy! But now, it's his choice if he's going to come or not.
If I didn't do this for her...at least try to connect Grandma with her long lost love, I would feel horrible. I mean, now I can say I tried. I'll know I meant the best.
I will update you more on the Grandpa Parker situation later!
Now, the second problem is that Thalia truly hates home. For a long time, she would draw the family or the house, and happy things. Now, the majority of her paintings and drawings are of far away places, or birds. Sometimes they're caged, sometimes they're flying. She talks about leaving, all the time. About this boarding school she found for art, some sort of academy, and about moving all the way across the ocean to the U.K.! She really seems to hate home, and it hurts.
We got her a pet bird once, and she loved it. But only weeks later, she took it outside and let it fly away. We know she cared about it to death, because she painted it and drew it at least ten times in just a few weeks! All seemed happy, and then she got sad again and let it go. And she never stays home, she's always leaving to go out with some friend or another. It's terrifying.
I still don't understand her. I love her, but she's confusing. When we're all together, she's so happy. But, apparently, whenever I'm gone, her attitude plummets. I'm not a fool, I understand why, but it's horrible.
I'm thinking of making her stay home more, or getting her a journal. For now, I'll just wait, I suppose. Maybe she'll grow out of it.
I sure hope she will.
A/N the sim in the picture at the hospital with Prim is Copper Rain, of the Amour legacy by TheUsernameFound.
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